National Lottery Results Lotto, Thunderball & EuroMillions

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Lotto results December 7, 2020

Lotto results December 7, 2020 (
submitted by hudas1313 to PCSOLottoResults [link] [comments]

Swertres & Ez2 5pm Lotto Result Today November 28 2020

Swertres & Ez2 5pm Lotto Result Today November 28 2020
Here is the Ez2 5pm Lotto Result Nov 28 2020 and Swertres 5pm Lotto Result Nov 28 2020.
Ez2 lotto is now the 2d lotto and swertres lotto is now 3d lotto. Most people still don't this yet, because the lotto cards you see in lotto outlets are still printed with Swertres and Ez2 labels on it.
Watch here -

#lottoresulttoday #swertresresulttoday #ez2lottoresult #pcsolottoresult #lottoresult
submitted by Dailylottoresult to Philippines [link] [comments]

Sabres lotto results since 2014.

Sabres draft lotto results since 2014.
  1. Lost 1. Ekblad. Moved to 2. Reinhart.
  2. Lost 1. McDavid. Moved to 2. Eichel.
  3. Stayed at 8.
  4. Lost 5. Pettersson. Moved to 8. Mittelstadt.
  5. Stayed at 1.
  6. Lost 5. Moved to 7.
In 2014 and 2015 worst place finisher was still at least guaranteed 2nd overall.
Sabres are -7 since 2014.
submitted by RedditorDave to sabres [link] [comments]

Dream about thr sun and winning the lotto

I had a dream last night that someone told me that the sun was going to go into hiding for 3 months.
Also another dream i had was that i heard that someone got all but the last number on the lotto that person played and won $1 million. I looked over at someone and she had this surprised look on her face.. then i found a newspaper and i flipped to the page with the lotto results. By the time i found it, the news came on, on tv and i waited to hear the numbers on tv..jump by van halen came on as the theme song.. i heard a guy on tv saying that there was going to be widespread panic..
submitted by usafreefall1234 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

Live PCSO Lotto Results Android App

Features: * All Lotto Draws Results * Lucky Pick * Number Frequency * Lotto Results History * Never Lose Your Lotto Ticket Number Save it on My Tickets * Search Lotto Draws Results * Lotto Results Notifications Updates * Swertres Guide
Supported Games: Suertres Lotto(11am, 4pm, 9pm) EZ2 Lotto(11am, 4pm, 9pm) Small Town Lottery (Pares, 3D, 2D)(11am, 4pm, 9pm) Ultra Lotto 6/58 Grand Lotto 6/55 Super Lotto 6/49 Mega Lotto 6/45 Lotto 6/42 6 Digit Game 4 Digit Game
#swertresresults #ez2result #smalltownlotteryswer3results #smalltownlottery2digitsresults #smalltownlotteryparesresults #658lottoresults #655lottoresults #649lottoresults #645lottoresults #642lottoresults #6digitlottoresults #4digitlottoresults #pcsolottoresultsapp #pcsolottogames
submitted by killua767 to u/killua767 [link] [comments]

Anyone NOT get a BTAC lotto email yet?

As with most lotto entrants I have two family members who have not recieved emails but have entered the lotto before (to rule out messing up the signup process). They've also checked spam.
Just wondering if anyone else hasn't recieved an email yet from the LCBO regarding lotto results?
submitted by DeathGolbez to canadawhisky [link] [comments]

Question calculating game odds

I'll start by explaining how the game works.
A group of friends and I are playing what I call a lotto bingo. We pick numbers for a state lotto game and then check off our numbers as they show up in actual lotto results. The game doesn't end until someone matches all of their numbers. Example if I pick 1/2/3/4/5/6 and tomorrow's drawing is 1/2/7/8/9/10 then I've matched 2 numbers and wait until next week for the lotto results until I match all my numbers or someone else beats me to it.

My question is: I'm trying to figure out a way to calculate the odds each player has of winning a game after each drawing. Continuing from the example given earlier I'm now missing 4 numbers and let's say the other X amount of players did not match anything. What would my odds be of winning at this point in comparison to everyone else? What are the odds another player has to win?

Look forward to the help and the stats lesson/refresher, thank you!

EDIT1: There can be multiple winners if they match their numbers on the same drawing. If player A is missing 1/2/3 and player B is missing 1/2/4 and the drawing comes out 1/2/3/4/5/6 then both A and B win.
EDIT2: Example game image
submitted by Duality44 to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

Python script can't POST to an aspx form

Goal: I'd like to scrape the data from this link (Might only be accessible in Southeast asian countries, had to use a vpn :C)
Limitations: Can't use headless browsers (Selenium/PhantomJS) for this one
What I tried:
Outputs (debug):
submitted by senti_bot_apigban to learnpython [link] [comments]

The Toronto Raptors were never thought to be the championship team they are now. Along with that, this season has a lot of unexpected turns this season, let's take a look back

Add any more if you think I'm missing any but it seems to me that this season had a lot of twists and turns that no one would be expected
Edit: Some more -
submitted by urasha to nba [link] [comments]

My life is the movie "Groundhogs Day" and I hate it.

Now I know what you all are probably thinking, "Groundhogs Day, that's just a movie". And you'd be absolutely right in believing that. It is a movie, but a movie I live each and every singe day of my life.

I am 29 years old, and have been for the last 15 years of my life. I don't age, I don't progress at work, I don't even get to try new experiences because what would be the point. Tomorrow's just going to come and like the inevitable white board of the universe my whole past 24 hours is just going to be wiped clean from existence and begin again.

I don't know when or how this phenomena exactly began, and believe me when I tell you I wish I did because if I could find the glitch in the matrix I'd give anything to correct it. But to the best of my recollection it started about 15 years ago (to me). I woke up on the morning of July 29 2019 at 6:15 A.M. Just as I do almost every morning. I got out of bed and made myself my usual breakfast of black coffee, two eggs over easy, a piece of toast with a little apple butter and an orange.

Everything seemed to be pretty routine, at least from what I could tell. I ate my breakfast, flipped on the TV to my local news channel to check the weather for today, and scrolled through my reddit feed for any new updates about what mess the presidents went and gotten himself into today. Nothing abnormal jumped out at me. I finished my breakfast and went and got dressed as I do every single day for work.

I kissed my wife and kids goodbye and headed out the door to my job as a maintenance supervisor at our local shopping mall. All pretty normal right? That's what I've thought, each and every time I go over this sequence of events in my head looking for the missing link. The one thing I'm not seeing that either should or shouldn't be there.

But anyway I get to work, punch in, say good morning to my co-worker Jeremy, and head off towards my office to check the invoice tray to see what we've ordered and what still needs to be ordered to keep this building up and running the way the owner wants it to be.

Still all pretty routine and boring. I go through my whole normal list of tasks for the day. Check the boilers to make sure there working properly, check the air supply lines to make sure all areas are getting proper ventilation, check the water main to make sure its not leaking or corroded and the building's getting good steady water pressure.

After I complete my daily checklist activities and head back to my office I notice my desk phone's showing one missed call and a voicemail. Now that's not abnormal in anyway, as many people here don't have my cellphone number and I personally like it that way. Being the building maintenance supervisor everyone wants to call me first to handle there dumb little issues. Like a clogged drain in their wash sink, or my personal favorite a stopped up toilet. Look people I'm not a plumber! We have plumbers on staff for those issues, stop calling me for the things that any average human can fix themselves.

But I digress, I check the caller ID on my desk phone and it shows only three digits (115). I really didn't think much about the number. Heck with today's cellphones you can download an app to change your own number to show something else on caller ID's. I've got one of those apps myself whenever I feel like screwing with my fathers head I use it.

But it was the message that was left that kind of spooked me a little. I punch in my pin and listen to the message. There wasn't any real message there, no information, nobody speaking to me, no "please call me at your earliest convenience" followed by a callback number. You know the usual. No this was for lack of a better word, just sound. Not noise just sound.

I know, I know weird right? I'll try to explain the best way I can. I put the call on speaker phone and turned the volume up to max to try and hear it more clearly. But all that was there was this wooshing sound, kind of like the sound on a beach on a windy morning before anyone else gets there. The sound of just the wind and the surf without all the people talking and birds singing. Just the wind and waves.

But then there was also this undertone to it. I thought I was hearing words, but I don't know. It was so low and muffled by the wooshing sound that it was almost drowned out. But I would like to think it was chanting of some kind. But no matter how many times I played the message I couldn't make out what the chanting was. I must have played it nine or ten times, I lost count. That was when Jeremy walked in and asked "what are you up to boss?"

I tried to tell him about the weird message I was listening to and about the weird chanting I thought I was hearing, then I went to hit replay again and the voicemail lady came one saying "you have no new messages in your mailbox, would you like to try again?" How in the hell does a voicemail that I've been listening to over and over and over again all the sudden just disappear?

So then I think "That strange number on my caller ID!" "That'll prove that at least someone called me." I quickly scroll back through my caller ID screen but my strange number is now also gone. So strange, I know I'm getting older. Trust me I know it, my kids make it a point to remind me each and every day. But I'm no where even in the ball park of senile yet. I know what I saw and I know what I heard. That message and that number were both there. And the more I try to explain it to Jeremy the more he just give's me the "yeah sure thing boss, whatever you say" look.

Giving up on my ludicrous mission to have him believe me I ask him what he needed. Jeremy tell's me that he received a call from one of our more popular fast food joints in the food court about there fry oil trap being clogged again. Once again people I AM NOT A PLUMBER!!!. But rather than argue this fact anymore than I already have over my last 25 years I grab my tools and head to the food court. I check the clog and figure out its just the morons working there decided to let the fry oil cool down too much before trying to change it and it congealed a bit and got stuck in the trap. So after many harsh words to the minimum wage morons, and a lot of cussing to myself I had the trap flowing again.

I return back to my office where I see the little red light on my phone blinking again signaling missed call and new voicemail. Now like I said before, this isn't abnormal usually due to the fact that I refuse to give these jack ass' here my cell phone number. But after that weird vanishing message and number earlier, it kind of had me a little bit spooked.

I quickly call Jeremy up on my cell, he's on the other side of the mall dealing with a stuck security gate situation. I instruct him once he's finished there to hurry back to the office. Don't take anymore calls, don't go anywhere else, return to the office immediately. Sounding slightly concerned he ask's me "Whats up boss?" Not wanting to jinx myself I told him everything is fine, its just something I need him to see as soon as possible.

He gets back to the office pretty quickly and I'm waiting in the lobby area, I grab his arm and am rushing him towards my office. Worried he ask's me "I'm not being fired am I boss?" "Cause I really need this job". Without even really comprehending how it looked or what he really said, I just answered "No you're not being fired, I already know about your pot smoking and don't care" "I just need you to see my phone".

He halt's right there in his tracks and stares at me. "You know I smoke pot boss?" Like that was the biggest revelation in the world at that moment. I answered him "Yes Jeremy, I've known for years." "You've never passed a drug screen in your life" "I've been covering for you because your a good worker and you do your job right." Now belaying this banter anymore I drag him into my office and point at my desk phone.

Jeremy just looks at it and looks at me and says "What boss?" What? What? Whats do you mean what? Do you not see the caller ID with the numbers (115) on it? Do you not see the new voicemail indicator blinking? Why are you asking dumb questions? It's right there in front of you. But then I look and notice, no its not. The screen is blank once more. The mystery number is gone, the voicemail is gone. I dial my voicemail box and the same female voice comes back on "you have no new voicemails in your mailbox". Dammit! How does this keep happening?

I let Jeremy go on about his duties for the day and finish up mine, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful, but those calls just kept gnawing at the back my mind like an itch I just cant scratch. What were they? Who was it? What did they mean? And how did they keep disappearing off my phone like that?

I punch out for the day and head home, same as usual. I get home and the kids and wife greet me same as usual, nothing out of the ordinary with that. We ate dinner that night, watched a little of our favorite TV shows and went to sleep.

But then the next day I woke up at 6:15 A.M, went out to the kitchen and began my routine same as any other day. As I was eating my breakfast and scrolling through reddit I started to notice that my feed looked very similar. Not thinking anything particularly wrong with that I ignored it and continued to finish my breakfast. I got dressed, kissed my wife and kids goodbye and headed off to work.

It really wasn't until I was about halfway to work when things began feeling a tad bit off. I just kept getting the strangest sense of deja vu. Like passing this police car pulled over on the side of the road in the same spot someone was pulled over at yesterday. Or that it looked like the same car being pulled over from yesterday. The same songs playing on the radio in the same order as I could remember them from yesterday. Just little things like that.

But once again nothing that just jumped out and slapped me in the face like "hey you've done all this before". That was until I walked into the office and saw Jeremy. Now for starters Jeremy is not the most routine individual on a good day. It's probably safe to say that Jeremy doesn't even know how to spell the word routine. So for him to do anything exactly like he did it any previous time is beyond strange. Mostly because I don't think the kid can remember his last meal if I'm being completely honest. The effects of pot on the brain here folks. But Jeremy's a good kid and an excellent worker. So he gets a pass from me.

But walking into the office and Jeremy sitting in the exact same chair, in the exact same position, reading the exact same magazine, and greeting me with the same "hey'ya boss" as he did yesterday. That kinda gave me goose flesh. Because like I said Jeremy has no routine. He's a free spirit for lack of a better descriptor. But seeing him two times in the exact same way. Now that's not normal.

So trying to clear my head and make sense of how I was feeling I go to my office, and start my routine. I go through the invoice tray and begin to notice a pattern. These are all the invoices I went through yesterday. Why are they back in my tray? I call out to Jeremy and ask him if anyone else has been in my office and messed with my filing system. He tells me no. Nobody's been in all morning. I quickly sort through all the invoices I've already gone over and quickly file them away. Which is fairly easy by the way since I've already done them once.

While I'm finishing up my filing Jeremy walks in and tells me he just got a call from the popular food joint in the food court and the fry oil trap is clogged. Now I'm pissed. There is no way in hell these idiots could clog this trap up twice in two days and forget that I chewed them out about calling me for it just yesterday. I look at Jeremy and said "How did they clog it twice in two days?" He just stared at me blankly, which is his pretty common expression, but anyway he said "What are you talking about boss?"

"Yesterday Jer, the idiots clogged that trap yesterday, and I fixed it yesterday!" "Don't you remember, we were there together and I chewed them out about being stupid?"

Jeremy just looked more lost than usual and said "Boss I think your losing it, we didn't fix that trap yesterday" "we were in the pet store all day yesterday fixing there filtration system" I looked at him and said "no jer, that was two days ago, yesterday we were fixing that god forsaken grease trap those idiots went and backed up with cold fry oil"

Jeremy said "no boss, they just called, this is the first time its happened."

Trying to maintain my composure as best possible I told him that we'll go and check on it, but if it was cold grease that they tried to drain and backed up the trap than we most definitely fixed this yesterday. Without trying to argue he agreed to come along and help. We get there and sure enough same thing as yesterday. I immediately go into my tirade about being to dumb to work a deep fryer, and not calling me again for stupid shit. Etc. etc. Meanwhile Jeremy is just sitting there looking totally amazed.

I ask him after we left why he was staring at me that way and he tells me "boss I think you're psychic". I almost spit my soda all over him I was laughing so hard. "If I was psychic than I damn sure wouldn't be fixing idiots mistakes in a shopping mall." Like I said Jer is not a super deep thinker, but he's a hell of a worker and I appreciate his comedic relief every once in a while.

We have lunch and he goes out on a stuck security gate call. Wait....... Didn't he fix a stuck security gate yesterday? Nah. Cant be the same exact one. This days weird and full of coincidences but that's all it is just coincidences. He come back to the office from the call, and we chit chat for a while and round out our day and punch out and leave.

I drive home to the same greeting from the wife and kids as normal and think nothing of it. We sit down to dinner, but its the same thing we had last night. "Honey, why are we having the same meal two nights in a row?" I ask her. She looks confused. Almost the same look Jeremy gave me just hours earlier when asking about the grease trap. She says its not the same meal. The night before we had pot roast, tonight were having fried tilapia.

Now I know I'm losing my marbles, there's no way in the world I just lived a whole day twice. There's no way I could have deja vu about an entire days events with such clarity that I can remember whole conversations. This just doesn't add up, something is wrong here.

For the sake of my family I don't voice my concerns because I don't want to worry them, but quickly after dinner I go out to the living room and turn on the TV and turn on our local new channel just to see if its the same stories from yesterday. And sure enough same anchors, same suits, same stories as yesterday. What the hell??? How can I be living yesterday over. This isn't physically possible, I think to myself. I just have to be having some serious deja vu. I'll just go to bed a little bit early tonight and this will all be a funny memory in the morning.

Next morning I wake up at my normal 6:15, but before I do anything from my normal routine I grab my phone and check the date. July 29, 2019. Shit!!! Not again! How is this possible? I know I've lived through this day twice before now. This cant be deja vu anymore. I immediately wake my wife and tell her about this strange loop I'm stuck in. She gives me the typical wife response. "Ohh your just having some slight deja vu". "No dammit I'm not" I tell her.

She ignores me and goes back to sleep. Still thinking I'm going crazy I go out to the kitchen and make my breakfast, all the same as usual. Turn on the TV but this time I pay close attention to the broadcast, looking for anything I may have missed from the past two days. Nothing, all the same boring bull crap as it was the last two times I watched this. I decide to head to work, because what else can I do? No one believes me that I'm living the same day over and over and I still do have a job that is expecting me.

I pass the same cop pulled over the same car again. I park walk inside to the same reception by Jeremy in the same place reading the same magazine. I immediately tell him about the weirdness I'm experiencing, and in his own sincere way tells me "I experience that all the time boss". Now I remind you Jer's a pot head so deja vu to him could just be remembering to breath while completely baked. But at least he's willing to listen and take an interest in what I'm dealing with, so I appreciate his sympathetic ear for the time I've got it.

By the time I get done with my story and he nods like he understood every word he then tells me "ohh by the way that joint in the food court called, the grease traps clogged" "they wanna know if we could take a look cause they cant change the fry oil"

Are you kidding me???? I swear to god I'm going to play the dam lottery, I think to myself. This is insane! Now I know I've lived all this before. I tell Jeremy to go ahead without me and take a look at the trap, cause I wasn't exactly feeling all that well. I was just going to sit back in my office and file away all the invoices I filed away the past two days. I really just didn't want to keep having the same argument with the same kids about the same stupid decision. Plus I knew Jeremy wouldn't fix it. Not that he couldn't, he'd make it look like he was doing something and then tell them they needed to call the site plumbers and not us and walk away. I love him for that. Me I cant do that, its a problem I have, I just cant leave things broken even if there not my responsibility. Jeremy on the other hand can. And when I don't feel like doing something I send him because I know he wont do it.

So Jer leaves and I start tossing invoices in random places cause who really cares anyway, they'll all be right back in the inbox tomorrow anyway! At least that's the way it looks like so far. And if its not then I'll worry about it tomorrow. With all my paperwork stuffed away I hop on the internet, hoping that someone somewhere could give me any incite into what the hell I'm dealing with here. I go through message boards, forums, and even a couple medical dissertations on the subject of deja vu. But no one quite understood what I was dealing with. Feeling very defeated I closed my laptop, put my head on my desk and just sat there for a while. Just quietly thinking. "What is happening here?" "What am I going to do if tomorrow never comes?"

I don't know how long I sat there like that, in the quiet of my own thoughts. But it was long enough for Jeremy to come back from the grease trap problem and say he couldn't fix it and suggest we go get some lunch. I agree because there's no sense in starving myself just because I'm going crazy. We have lunch and he questions me more about living the same day over and over again. I explain it to him the best way I could, I tell him about the same news broadcast every morning, about the same ride to work with the same guy getting the same ticket every morning. I even tell him about how hes the same every morning.

That's when Jeremy has a stroke of pure genius. He says if tomorrow never comes than you should live today like it was your last. Do everything you've ever wanted to do because it'll just reset tomorrow and they'll be no consequences. I look at Jeremy and am deeply astounded at this moment of brilliance. This pot head had a great idea. Live today like tomorrow doesn't matter.

So the first thing I do just to test the waters a bit, is to trash my office. I've always hated office work, I'm much happier being out in the field fixing something. Can't stand being behind a desk all day doing paperwork. So I take my opportunity to completely mangle my office. Jeremy helps of course cause why not, he's not only good at repairs he's also quite handy at destruction. So we set to completely wreck my office, I mean desk in pieces, chair through the window, file cabinets so badly bent and damaged there's no hope of ever getting the forms out of them again. Yeah we took out some serious pent up aggression out on that office.

I decided that I really didn't feel like completing my day so I told Jer I was going home, and he could too if he wanted. We clock out and leave. I get home and my wife ask's me why I'm home so early. I tell her "I'm living the same day over and over again, so I destroyed my office and punched out and came home." She looked at me very concerned and confused and asked "were you fired or something?" I told her no I wasn't fired, it was just something that I always wanted to do. She then tells me "well your going to be fired tomorrow when your boss see's that" I laughed, not trying to sound rude or crazy I said "there's not going to be a tomorrow because today never ends" She just gives me a very worried look and says she really hopes I don't get fired because we really need this job for the money and the benefits.

Now she's absolutely right, I do need this job, my family depends on my health benefits and paycheck to keep them stable. But I felt fairly confident in what I was doing to the point where I wasn't worried about it to much. After two days of the July 29, 2019 I was pretty certain that tomorrow was going to be July 29, 2019 as well. We have our fried tilapia again and watch out same TV shows again and I go to bed again just like the last time. All the while knowing that nothing was going to change in the morning.

The next morning I wake up at 6:15 again and check my phone. The date on the screen says July 29, 2019. Well here we go again! I get up and start my routine same as any other day. I drive to work, mostly just to see with my own eyes the condition of my office. Pass the same traffic stop. Greet Jeremy in the same spot as before. I open the door to my office and boom everything is normal, like I never took out my pent up rage on it. Now I can't figure this out, its beginning to hurt my head thinking about it for too long. So I take my invoices and run them through the shredder and precede to scatter the remains all across the office.

Jeremy comes in as I'm about halfway through with my redecorating job and just stops. "You ok, boss?" he asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I tell him cause I really don't feel like explaining it all over again. He turns to leave but just as he does I stop him. "Tell those jackass's at the joint, if they run cold fry oil through that grease trap that I'm going to come down there and shove a screw driver up there ass's personally" Looking quite confused and slightly terrified Jer leaves.

He comes back a little while later to find me drawling on the walls with one of those jumbo sharpie markers. Something I've always wanted to do by the way. He tells me he relayed the message but wants to know how I knew that they were planning on changing the fry oil today? I told him "just call it a hunch" and went back to my art work. The rest of the day progressed on as normal until about lunch time when I got the idea. "I should play the lottery" heck I know all the numbers, its been the same 5 for the last three days now. I'm guaranteed to hit. I run down the the local gas station and buy myself one lotto ticket and put it in my wallet. I call my wife and tell her "go ahead and plan a big vacation because were going to be rich". She asks me what I'm talking about, and I explain that I'm going to hit the lotto.

She noticeably has her reservations about my claim but she keeps them to herself. Assuming I've just gone mad she entertains my delusions and says she'll start planning the trip right now. I get off the phone with her and tell Jer "you just got a promotion buddy, I quit" and walked out of the office. Jer was looking quite confused and a little frightened.

I drive home early again, cause hey who cares tomorrow never comes, no consequences for my actions right? I get home and my wife asks me the same question from yesterday and I go through the same story and details as before without the whole trashing my office completely part. She says "so you quit your job because your going to hit the lottery?" "I really hope your right about this because we can't afford to live here with out your income." I tell her not to worry and go on about her day.

Later on that night while eating my fried tilapia AGAIN, I quick turn on the news for the lotto results. Just as I had said all 5 of my numbers came out in order. I hit the MEGA MILLIONS jackpot for 530 million dollars. Needles to say my wife and kids were beyond excited. We had more money than we knew what to do with. We celebrated for hours, talking about where we were going to move to. The new cars the wife and I were going to drive. All the toys and animals we were going to get the kids. You know the typical "I just hit the lotto" excitement stuff.

We go to bed that night on cloud nine, dreaming about our new life and how great it's going to be. I drift off to sleep only to be woken up by my alarm. I must have forgot to turn that stupid thing off yesterday after I quit my job. I roll over and grab my phone to shut the alarm off and a quick glance at the screen. July 29, 2019 is staring my right in the face. Shit!!! Not again!!! I jump out of bed and grab my wallet and check for the lotto ticket but its gone. I search the whole bed room until all my noise wakes my wife who asks what I am doing? I asked her if she saw my lotto ticket from last night. She ask's me what ticket? I told her the one that won us the MEGA MILLIONS JACKPOT. She says "you didn't bring home any lotto ticket last night and we definitely didn't win anything."

Dammit! Cruel fate, I should've known that would happen. Reliving the same day over and over, I can't change what happens at the end of the day. Only what I do throughout the day. Feeling defeated and depressed from not thinking about that before buying the ticket I get up and start my day as usual. I get to work and there's Jer waiting for me. I go into my office, close my door and bang my head on my desk for 8 solid hours, just wishing for a brain aneurysm to take me out and end the monotony. But of course that doesn't happen because that would be too easy and convenient.

I've been living though the same exact day for the past 15 years. Nothing ever changes, no one ever ages. It's a personal hell and nobody believes me. Please to anybody out there reading this, you are my last hope. I've tried anything I can think of. I've been to every doctor who will entertain my rants. If anyone has any ideas at all about how to stop this freaking carousel ride I'm stuck on I'm all ears. I just really hope and pray that someone reads this before I go to bed tonight and it all starts over again.
submitted by JD924 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Race Report: Tokyo Marathon (First Marathon)

Race information


Goal Description Completed?
A Finish Yes
B < 4:30 Yes
C < Oprah (4:29:15) Yes



This was my first marathon and first race event of any type. Given how notoriously difficult it is to get into by lotto (less than 10%), I applied on a whim, and when I got my lotto result in late September I began training in earnest. I live in Tokyo, so I saw it as a rite of passage as a first-time runner.


This was perhaps my greatest folly.
What I did: A modified Runners World marathon training plan for first timers with gradual progression, peaking with a 32K long run three weeks out.
What I should have done: A plan for insomniacs who can only get two hours sleep the night before due to nerves, for 7C weather with continuous rain.


I don't sleep well before big events, dating back to the first day of school. I notched two hours the night before. The weather was extremely poor. Continuous rain and I think about 7C as we stood in the starting blocks for an hour or more. By the end everyone was shivering. Some people had no rain gear depending on what weather forecast they had watched before taking the train. After the gun it took me 18 minutes of slow walk to get to the start line and begin. My block was quite far back because I had selected a time of 5:00-6:00 when I applied for the race.


On the first corner I put my left foot into a puddle that completely submerged it. Suddenly one foot was twice as heavy. Yay. The first 10K was an exercise in frustration. I assumed that since everyone was running in the same direction, that running around people wouldn't be that difficult. But there were just so many people, and I exerted a lot of energy dodging people so I could get back to my usual pace.
That two hours of sleep begun to catch up with me big time. I had done three half-marathon training runs which included hills and was maintaining 5:40/km pace , but I was struggling to maintain anything near 6:00/km, which I knew I needed early on to get close to my goal. Breathing and HR were fine but the legs were not there.
20K - 30K
My wife was waiting for me at the half-way point, and I said to her, "I'm slowing down, but I'm gonna finish." I downed my third GU at that point and plodded along at what felt like quite a slow pace.
30K - Finish
When i met my wife again at the 30K point, all I could tell her was that I was somehow going to finish the race, but at that point my goal was out the window, as far as I could tell. A couple of factors changed that. Firstly, I had always planned to start my playlist from the 32K point to bring me home the last 10K, and it gave me a definite burst of energy. At the 33K point, I realized that I had approximately an hour left before 4:30, and it seemed doable, but there was funky math, as I had started my watch a few minutes early. Then with 4km to go, I got a message from a friend who was tracking me through an app linked to the actual chip times, and he said I was 45 seconds off my Oprah pace. What's 25 minutes of pain? So I booked it from there. Every step of the last km I was grimaced in pain, but I got to the end with about a minute to spare.


This was the nicest part of the race, if you ask me. A volunteer drapes a finisher towel over your shoulders. Another puts a medal on you. Next you receive a fleece jacket. Then an opaque rain poncho, and finally a goodie bag with sandwich and sports drink. And I had run a marathon, which is cool.
This post was generated using the new race reportr, a tool built by BBQLays for making organized, easy-to-read, and beautiful race reports.
submitted by torode to running [link] [comments]

At the start of this season everyone thought the Warriors were going to be a unbeatable especially with the signing of DeMarcus Cousins, yet this season had become one the most unexpected seasons ever, let's take a look at some of the events that occurred that a year ago, NO ONE would've predicted.

Add any more if you think I'm missing any but it seems to me that this season had a lot of twists and turns that no one would be expected
submitted by urasha to nba [link] [comments]

Has anyone going to NYCC won the funko lottery?

Lotto results for legacy fans are supposed to be sent out today, did anyone get an email saying they won (or not) yet?
submitted by Knockturn_Aliii to funkopop [link] [comments]

Song Showdown: Tempo vs. Love Shot

Happy Tuesday Eris~ I know we are drowning in Obsession's comeback still but lets play some games!

Monster vs. Lotto Results

I am actually a hardcore Lotto lover, not sure what it is about the song but I listen to it probably more than any other title tracks oddly enough, so I am at least happy it won ONE category! Hahahah... Here are your results:
QUESTION 1st Place 2nd Place
Which title track do you listen to more overall? Monster - 70.5% Lotto - 29.5%
Which music video did you enjoy more? Monster - 71.8% Lotto - 28.2%
Which song has better Choreography? Monster - 85.9% Lotto - 14.1%
Which concept did you like more? Monster - 70.5% Lotto - 29.5%
Which styling did you like more? Lotto - 53.8% Monster - 46.2%
Which title track is overall stronger? Monster - 84.6% Lotto - 15.4%

Play this Round: Tempo vs. Love Shot

I think this may be one of the first showdowns where I am actually unsure what is going to win! This vote will close on Friday. Be sure to post performances etc below in the comments to fight for your fave track!
Please only vote once, this is just a game, it is all for fun, there are no true answers here.

Go Vote Here!

submitted by 99101004 to exo [link] [comments]

florida fantasy 5 lotto results; How to Increase Your Odds of Winning the Lottery

Would you ever dream of winning the lottery? Hitting it big and quitting your job and living your dream? Your likelihood of winning the lottery are slim close to none without a system. But what sort of system increase your odds? Many people carry around 4 leaf clovers for luck while picking household members'birthdays, anniversary dates and other random techniques. How many times do these haphazard methods truly work? The clear answer is hardly ever. So how do you raise your odds of winning the lottery? You employ mathematics.
The lottery is a system predicated on utilizing numbers, odds, and believe it or not, math. Math is the key to increasing odds of winning the lottery. You calculate odds, cover particular numbers, utilize percentages, and eventually, a formula arises from the data enhancing your likelihood of winning. Math is extremely helpful in a game that is supposedly called chance florida fantasy 5 lotto results . However, you must beware of scams on the web claiming to coach you on how exactly to win the lottery.
The amounts of scams on the web regarding how exactly to win the lottery are endless. Many claim to have the ability to provide easy steps on how to win the lottery, but if the system has nothing regarding actual numbers, mathematics, and percentages, then move forth with caution because of it may be a con. You have to do your research before spending money on lottery advice. Request references and/or explanations behind the winning the lottery methods, then judge for yourself. Remember the lottery is approximately numbers. Thus, the machine needs to be always a means where you are able to formulate a structure in relation to logic and math. For example, if you should be playing a 49 ball lottery game, your likelihood of winning are 1 in 13,983,816. On one other hand, if you decide on to cover all 49 numbers, then you guarantee a fit of just one correct number increasing your odds to 1 in 1,712,304. This conclusion came about using math.
Lottery statistical charts can be found online claiming to assist you win the lottery. The statistical charts use math theories to attain conclusions about the lottery leaving you to think it is a good idea. It uses math fulfilling the advice mentioned above. Nonetheless, many statistical charts are incomprehensible. You can find no instructions regarding what to do with the data or how exactly to put it to use towards your advantage. It doesn't inform regarding how exactly to input numbers into these charts. It becomes complicated, confusing, and leaves an individual insecure on what to do next. It's wise to approach such sites with caution and examine what is presented to you. When it doesn't sound right, then move on.
Chances, luck, fate will always may play a role in winning the lottery. There's no denying it, but if you add mathematical theories in to the mix, winning the lottery no more seems like this type of far-fetched fantasy. It generates the notion of winning the lottery, quitting your job, attaining early retirement a closer goal than ever before.
submitted by noor-khan67 to u/noor-khan67 [link] [comments]

3rd Pick + Mavs not moving up + NOP and MEM (2 non-hateable franchises) leaping us is a solid outcome.

For starters, ~50% of draft outcomes had the Knicks picking 5th. An additional ~12% of draft outcomes had the Knicks picking 4th. Amongst the outcomes where we got the 2nd or 3rd pick, there was of course some non-zero probability (i think ~3 - 5%) that dallas would leap us, also some odds that Dallas would jump into top 5 in general and keep their pick.
Obviously top 1-2 pick is better, but getting 3rd pick + dallas not moving up is an above-average lotto result for us.
submitted by pagenotdisplayed to NYKnicks [link] [comments]

2017 NarFFL Lotto Results

The moment you've been waiting for...2017 NarFFL Lotto results are in! The users listed below will receive an invite to their league in the coming days. Be sure to check your email regularly during this time, as these invites will have an expiration period on them that will be detailed in the invite.
If you were not selected in the lotto, all is not lost - you’ll be added to the waitlist in the order you entered the lottery. The wait-list is constantly in use during the season so don’t fret, but the earlier you signed up the better your chances are of being a fill-in candidate.
Without further ado, your lucky lotto winners are....
submitted by NarFFLCommish to NarFFL [link] [comments]


So this one came from deep in my brain and won't just go back! Does anyone remember a phone number you could call and be presented with tons of options on useful information on things like weather, sports scores, movie times, lotto results, interactive games. After dialing the number, it was literally, "PRESS 1 FOR WEATHER, PRESS 2 FOR SPORTS..." Everything was accessible from one phone number. I do realize there were, and still are, services like this for INDIVIDUAL pieces of info, but this was undoubtedly all one number!
My memory of this was from no earlier than 1990 and no later than maybe 95/96, and I lived in NYC (in case in was location-specific.)
The reason this came up was because I was having a convo about that HQTrivia game and realized I used to play a similar trivia game through this magical phone number. AS FAR AS I CAN RECALL, you'd call at the same time everyday and go through the options menu to reach the live trivia. They'd ask questions the same way HQTrivia does, and when you were wrong, you were out of the game. You weren't disconnected, but just sent back to the menu. I'm pretty sure if you entered the game "lobby" when there wasn't live trivia, you could play other types of games??? The only other thing I vaguely recall is some kind of horse racing game, but not 100% sure on that at all.
I did my due diligence and googled my face off already, so I'm betting on someone just remembering (how novel!) what I'm talking about.
I (think) I can still hear the voice of the person who did the menu, unless I'm just creating false memories using the Moviefone Guy's voice. "PRESS 8 FOR TRIVIA. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOWWWWWW."
help. :)
submitted by OldManGrizzle to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]


PCSO Lotto result October 22, 2019
submitted by jacaranda9dbux to u/jacaranda9dbux [link] [comments]

PCSO LOTTO RESULT 11AM (OCTOBER 26, 2019) (Saturday) 3D|Swertres|2D|EZ2|...

Eto na! 11am update ng PCSO Lotto Result!
submitted by jacaranda9dbux to u/jacaranda9dbux [link] [comments]

scrape data (lotto results) in the web

is there a way to scrape data like lotto results in the web? directly to a cell?
submitted by kill3rSmile to excel [link] [comments]

6/58 RESULT – SEPTEMBER 15, 2019

6/58 LOTTO RESULT – Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) releases Ultra Lotto Result 6/58 every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday at 9PM. The post PCSO 6/58 LOTTO RESULT. 6/58 Ultra Lotto results draws are posted every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday at 9pm. Below is the recent 6/58 lotto result.
submitted by philippineslotto to u/philippineslotto [link] [comments]

e u r o lotto results video

Results; EuroMillions Results. Find the latest EuroMillions results right here. Select a draw date to view more information including full prize breakdowns, UK Millionaire Maker codes, French My Million codes and other additional draw details. Latest Results and Winning Numbers *Lotto and EuroMillions jackpots are estimated. ∑ The European Millionaire Maker Prize is €1,000,000 which, for UK winners, will be converted to Sterling and topped up by Camelot so that the total prize awarded is £1,000,000. ∞ Calls to 0844 numbers cost 7p per minute plus your service provider's access charges. View Euromillions results. Find out the latest winning numbers, bonus numbers and prize breakdowns today. View all draw results for up to the past 90 days. EuroMillions; Results; The latest EuroMillions numbers appear here after every draw on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Select a result to view more information, including the winning raffle codes, drawn order of the numbers, winners and prize details. Results; View the latest EuroMillions results here, updated live every Tuesday and Friday night as draws take place and tickets are processed. Winning numbers are displayed below, along with the UK Millionaire Maker raffle code for each draw. View the EuroMillions results history for the past 6 months of draws, which covers all current valid tickets. Includes the prize breakdown, Millionaire Maker codes and more. EuroMillions Results. See the latest EuroMillions results to find out if you are a winner. The numbers for tonight or the most recent draw are shown below, along with the winning Millionaire Maker code. Select the prize breakdown button to find more information about the Euro lottery results, including the number of winners.; Eurojackpot Results; Eurojackpot Results. The latest Eurojackpot results are published here immediately after the draw has taken place. You can view the latest numbers including detailed information of winners and prizes. Latest Result *Lotto and EuroMillions jackpots are estimated. ∑ The European Millionaire Maker Prize is €1,000,000 which, for UK winners, will be converted to Sterling and topped up by Camelot so that the total prize awarded is £1,000,000. ∞ Calls to 0844 numbers cost 7p per minute plus your service provider's access charges. National Lottery Results. View all the latest National Lottery results live after every draw. The winning numbers for Lotto, EuroMillions, Thunderball and more are added to this page as soon as they have been drawn and verified, giving you a fast way to find out if you have a winning ticket.

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